Aside from the potential costs, one of the worst parts of travel is the lengthy periods spent waiting in line at airports or attractions in a destination. The more popular the attraction, the bigger the line-up. And do you know what's even worse – waiting in line with kids?
While waiting for your turn to enjoy a thrilling ride with the mountain coaster in Branson, remaining in line at most attractions is something that can't be avoided. The kids can quickly get bored in zero to 10 seconds. They get hungry, uncomfortable, restless, and misbehave. So, to keep the little members of your travel party happier, here are some fun things to do while waiting in line.
Eye Spy
This classic game is popular because you don't need any resources. With this in mind, it is one of the best games while queuing or waiting to take a thrilling ride with the mountain coaster in Branson. This means you can play it whenever, wherever, and with however many people you want (within reason). Take turns spotting something in view while everyone else is distracted and tries to figure out what your 'thing' is. Keep an eye out for anything that piques your interest.
Destination Facts
If possible, arrive prepared for your destination, or use modern technology such as a smartphone to share interesting facts about your destination with the family. You may be lucky enough to pick up a brochure while queuing or plan ahead of time with a guidebook. Lonely Planet has many ebooks for reading on the go, which you can download to your phone before traveling for easy reference.
You can also make this a game by having each member of the family share what they already know about the location or activity you are about to do. You might be surprised at how much you know, and it's also a great educational activity for your kids.
Fill up your stomach
No matter where you go, one of the most important things to remember when traveling with children is to keep snacks on hand. Food keeps little stomachs happy. Moreover, it cures boredom for at least a few minutes. Most importantly, keeping your hunger at bay reduces your irritability while waiting in line. Children who are hungry and bored are the worst kind of travelers!
Healthy snacks that won't get crushed or mess in your bag are ideal, but the occasional treat is also acceptable. Always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go.
Alphabet Game
Playing the alphabet game is another great activity for kids while waiting in line. Choose a topic, such as superheroes, actors, fruits, or animals, and take turns answering each letter of the alphabet. If you get stuck, the next person in line can help.
Fruit A is an apple; Fruit B is a banana; Fruit C is a cherry, and so on. You can go around your group taking turns. If you have older children who enjoy a bit of competition, keep track of how many answers each person gets and declare a winner at the end of each round.
Plan Your Next Stop
Make the time you spend waiting in line more enjoyable by planning where you will go and what you will do next. This builds anticipation for your next activity and quickly helps the time pass, especially if you give the kids some decision-making power.
Make Friends
Meeting new people can be a fun way to pass the time. When thinking of things to do while waiting in line, remember that you are surrounded by other people doing the same thing, so strike up a conversation with the strangers beside you. It's ideal if you speak the same language, but it can be difficult if you don't.
This is something that many children excel at. When we travel, our kids frequently make new friends, finding another child their age to play with for 10 minutes while we wait in line or spend time at the park.
Children who have enjoyed a thrilling ride on the mountain coaster in Branson may not have experienced boredom, restlessness, or discomfort. However, you must know how to keep them entertained while in line at airports or waiting for a ticket at some attractions.
Runaway mountain coaster
Branson Mountain Adventure is dedicated to family-friendly outdoor adventures & thrill rides. Home of the Runaway Mountain Coaster, the first alpine coaster in Branson, and the Flyaway Quad Racing Ziplines. We use the hilly topography of the area to provide the fun and excitement your next visit to Branson needs.
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